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NH's 24/7 statewide HelplineFree and confidential support services are available across the state to anyone that has been impacted by domestic and sexual violence or stalking. Services are open and affirming to all, and you do not need to be in crisis to call.
Chat and text support services are available through most support centers. See our member program list below for details.
If you or someone you know needs help, support or information, you can call either the statewide helpline, or your local program's number below to talk with an advocate. In emergency situations, call 911.
What Can I expect when I call?When you call the statewide helpline, you will usually first speak with an answering service, which will take your first name and number and have an advocate from the local crisis center call back. Generally, these calls are returned in about 5 minutes. Confidential advocates can help with safety planning, finding shelter, support groups, financial services, medical care, legal referrals, social services, and other resources. Advocates will listen and believe you, share options, and never pressure you to do anything you do not want to do.