Force you to give access to your money or financial accounts?
Make you feel as though you don’t have a right to know any details about money? About household decisions?
Make financial or investment decisions that affect you or your family without consulting or reaching agreement with you?
Refuse to include you in important meetings with banks, financial planners or retirement specialists?
Forbid you to work? Or to attend school or training sessions?
Overuse your credit cards? Refuse to pay the bills?
Force you to file false tax claims or other legal/financial documents?
Prevent you from obtaining or using credit cards or bankcards?
Withhold physical resources from you? These could include food, clothes, medications or shelter.
Force you to work in a family business for little or no pay?
Refuse to work to help support the family?
Interfere with your performance at work? This could include frequent telephone calls, emails or visits to your workplace.
Force you to turn over your benefit or public assistance payments? Threaten to falsely report you for “cheating” on your benefits so they will be cut off?
Force you to cash in, sell or sign over any financial assets or inheritance you own? This could include bonds, stock or property.