The Fund for Grace is used to support the Coalition’s efforts to reduce domestic and sexual violence and stalking through public awareness, prevention activities and outreach to victims. Plant a seed of hope for victims, for families, for our entire state, the hope that someday we can end domestic and sexual violence before it begins.
HOW DOES PREVENTION WORK? The services and programs of NHCADSV and the 13 member programs contribute to our vision for comprehensive prevention domestic and sexual violence in New Hampshire. This model is based off of the Spectrum of Prevention, and the Centers for Disease Control Stop SV and the CDC Preventing Intimate Partner Violence Technical Packages.
Primary prevention includes strategies that aim to prevent violent before it starts. These programs focus on increasing the protective factors that prevent violence and reducing the risk factors that increase the likelihood of violence occurring. Primary prevention aims to increase protective factors like empathy, gender equity, family and school connectedness, consent skills, and emotional health.
Programs also target risk factors like harmful attitudes that support oppression of women and girls, toxic masculinity and other harmful gender stereotypes, lack of non-violent problem solving skills, and exposure to sexually-explicit and violent media.