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New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence public affairs director Amanda Grady Sexton said the schools where Torbick's defenders are employed should be concerned about their statements.
"It shows a significant lack of understanding among these educators of the severity of the crime this victim suffered when they should be concerned about protecting the safety of their students," Grady Sexton said. "We absolutely agree with the county attorney's office asking for a fitting sentence in this case. When courts and schools don't hold perpetrators accountable, it's a chance for sexual predators to use a position like guidance counselor to gain access to children." Grady sexton said prison sentences in general fro sexual crimes in New Hampshire are too lenient. "The lifelong effects on both girls and boys who are victims of sexual assault makes it extremely difficult for normal adolescent development," she said. "A sentence like this sends the message to kids in other schools the crime of sexual assault was not that significant in the eyes of the court and seeing other guidance counselors defend the perpetrator has a chilling effect on other students willing to report cases of abuse." Comments are closed.
January 2025
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