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Press Release from Governor Chris Sununu November 8, 2023 Today, the Executive Council voted to approve $2,464,088 in funding for the New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence (NHCADSV) in support of a statewide program which seeks to improve responses and support to survivors of domestic violence and their children.
"This continued funding ensures children who have been exposed to violence in their homes receive support services as soon as possible, " said Amanda Grady Sexton, Director of Public Affairs for the NH Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence. "Traumatic experiences in a person's childhood, such as exposure to domestic violence, can place people at an increased risk for chronic health problems, mental illness, and substance use in adulthood. It is vital that we recognize how childhood trauma can impact a person across their lifespan, and the services provided by FVPSs are critical to breaking that generational cycle of abuse. We are grateful the state prioritized this funding and understands how essential the FVPS program is in our work to support young Granite Staters and their families. " Comments are closed.
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