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Press Release from Senator Jeanne Shaheen June 2, 2022 (Washington,DC) – (U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH)) visited the Coos County Family Health Services’ (CCFHS) Response to Domestic and Sexual Violence Crisis Center in Berlin to discuss efforts to boost services and programs for survivors of domestic and sexual violence. She and local advocates discussed the importance of the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act and how the pandemic has heightened demand for the crisis center’s services.
“The reauthorization of VAWA earlier this year was a necessary step towards ensuring that the law and state-wide interventions reflect the current and most pressing needs of survivors of domestic and sexual violence. We are all aware of the challenges that emerged over the last two years, resulting in an incredible need for New Hampshire’s crisis centers to pivot their outreach and resources in order to continue providing essential services to survivors. This critical need is still present today and although the core role of an advocate has not changed, the scope of their work has expanded immensely as they seek to meet the increasingly complex needs of survivors. The effort to modernize VAWA every 5 years allows our communities to effectively respond to the changing needs of survivors in the Granite State, and we are so grateful to Senator Shaheen for her leadership on VAWA and her unwavering commitment to survivors of domestic and sexual violence,” said Amanda Grady Sexton, Director of Public Affairs, NH Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence. Comments are closed.
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